Diocese of Banmaw
Catholic Church– Our Vision –
The Church that is a united and participatory people of God, working together with faith, hope and love to build God’s kingdom of peace and justice.
– Our Inspiration –
“That They may have Life and have It abundantly.”
(Jn 10:10)

– Our Mission –
The Diocese of Banmaw seeks to empower as many people as possible in becoming fully developing followers of Christ.
Brief About
The Diocese of Banmaw
Created on August 28, 2006 by His Holiness, Pope Benedict XVI, the Diocese of Banmaw is situated in the Southeast region of Kachin State which is in the Northern part of Myanmar, and bordered with China to the East, Myitkyina Diocese to the Northwest, Mandalay and Lashio Dioceses to the South.
Banmaw Diocese includes Banmaw, Momauk, Shwegu and Mansi administrative townships. And it is approximately 10,741 Sq.klm with a Civil population of about 372,275 and a Catholic population of 34,151 living in 13 parishes.
General Statistics
Catholic Population
Catholic Families
Moving Towards
Our Vision & Mission
Caritas Banmaw
Parishes &
Mass Times
News & Media
Sunday Gospel
Our Bishop &
Diocese of Banmaw
Commissions & Offices
Short Video About
Our Beautiful Town & Banmaw Diocese
Short Video about the Diocese of Banmaw, created for the Occasion of Welcoming Pope Francis to Myanmar in 2017.
From the Diocese
Latest News & Updates
Saradaw Ginwang Ramma Komishin Ningbaw Jau galai ai lam
2020 ning May shata praw 23 ya shani hta Manmaw Saradaw Ginwang Up Saradaw a malai Jau Kaba John Jangma Yung Wa hku nna woi awn shang lawm let Saradaw Ginwang Ramma Ningbaw galai ai lam lamang hpe galaw la lu sai. Lai wa sai aten hta Manmaw Jau...
Saradaw Ginwang Kunhting Jau galai ai lam
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